MIT Task Force on Fraternities, Sororities,
and Independent Living Groups:
Status and Future Development



Topic Guest Place Date
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM April 12
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM April 6
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM March 30
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM March 23
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM March 16
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM March 9
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM March 2
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM February 24
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM February 17
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM February 10
Discussion W20, PDR 5:00 PM February 3
More numbers Lydia Snover, Assistant To the Provost for Institutional Research W11-Community Room 8:30 AM, January 29
Some numbers Rick Gresh, Assistant Director of Student Life Programs W20, PDR #3 8:30 AM, January 26
Discussion W11-Main Dining Room8:30 AM, December 11
Orientation Julie Norman and Kim Vandiver W20, PDR8:30 AM, December 4
Perpsective of Dean's Office Larry Benedict, Dean for Student Life W20, PDR8:30 AM, November 20
Risk management Steve Tyrell and Danny Trujillo W11-Main Dining Room8:30 AM, November 13
Discussion W11-Main Dining Room8:30 AM, November 6
Discussion W11-Main Dining Room8:30 AM, October 30
Discussion Elizabeth Reed, Dean for Undergraduate Education
Director, Careers Office
W11-Main Dining Room8:30 AM, October 23
Discussion Barabara Baker, Associate Dean For Student Life Programs W11-Main Dining Room8:30 AM, October 16
Discussion W11-Main Dining Room8:30 AM, October 9
Perspective of Campus Police Lieutenant Al Pierce 11-103 8:30 AM, October 2
Perspective of Consultant Tom Jelke W35-1995 PM, September 24
Residence Halls Katie O'Dair W20, PDR4 PM, September 15
Planning W20, PDR4 PM, September 8
Discussion W20, West Lounge 4 PM, July 28
Discussion W20-PDR 4 PM, July 21
ILG issues Kaya Gerberich, Coordinator FSILGs W20-PDR 4 PM, June 16
Discussion W20-PDR 4 PM, July 14
Discussion W20-PDR 4 PM, July 7
No meeting, Holiday June 30
ILG Kaya Gerberich, Coordinator FSILGs W20-PDR 4 PM, June 30
Discussion W20-PDR 4 PM, June 23
Sorority issues Kaya Gerberich, Coordinator FSILGs W20-PDR 4 PM, June 16
No meeting, Commencement June 9
Planning W20-PDR 4 PM, June 2
Planning W20-PDR 4 PM, May 19
Planning W20-PDR 4 PM, May 12
Perspective from Admissions Office Marilee Jones, Dean of Admissions W20-PDR 4 PM, May 5
Perspective from Office of Student Life Programs David Rogers, Assistant Dean, FSILGsW20-PDR 4 PM, April 28
Organization and charge . W20-PDR 8 AM, April 18